Smid & Hollander b.v. started out as a roofing paper manufacturer and eventually grew into an expertise center for bituminous applications. Smid & Hollander b.v., which later became Esha b.v., earned a reputation for itself and gained market shares over the years. The company was also involved in developing and manufacturing bitumen emulsions and an environmentally-friendly method to process bitumen.

The company made a foray into Germany in 1961 when Asphalt- und Bitumenwerk Esha GmbH with headquarters in Mannheim, Germany, was founded. Development on high-quality bitumen emulsions continued here for several decades. Manufacturing and sales expanded to such an extent that the company’s name and its expertise became synonymous with quality products and the company itself gradually became well-established on the German market. The work of the sales department was shored up in 1968 when an additional company called Esha Gesellschaft für den Verkauf bituminöser Produkte mbH was founded with headquarters in Rheine, Germany. In 1980 the company in Mannheim officially changed its name to Esha Asphalt- und Bitumenwerke GmbH; the headquarters remained there.

After the political changes in Germany in 1990, Esha Thüringen GmbH was founded with headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Gotha (located in the former East Germany). This new subsidiary helped create a manufacturing platform in Germany that serves as both supplier and service provider for manufacturing surface treatment products that can be used in road maintenance and repair work. The market gradually became more difficult within the first ten years of business, despite the outstanding success experienced right out of the gate. In response to this situation, the subsidiaries in Mannheim und Rheine were merged into Esha Rheine GmbH with headquarters in Rheine in 1998. Shortly thereafter, in 2003, the subsidiaries in Rheine and Gotha were also merged and the company headquarters were relocated to Gotha. At the same time, Esha Thüringen GmbH officially changed its name to Esha Strasse GmbH, the company as we know it today.
After a change in control of the company in 2009, we were once again ready for business with the new structures and a modernized corporate mission. We primarily focus on our core business, i.e., developing and manufacturing high-quality bitumen emulsions that are utilized in nearly all environmentally-friendly road maintenance work using cold mix applications. In our role as market leader, it is our company’s duty to our customers and the various areas of application to continue developing our bitumen emulsions.

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Point of contact

Do you need specific information on a topic? Our staff is happy to provide you with advice on your specific issue.


Where to find us

Our company is located right off the A4 freeway in Hoersel, Thuringia, an area of Germany often nicknamed “the green heart of the country.” You may see our factory from A4 freeway close to exit „Waltershausen“.

+49 (0)3622 40733-0