Bitumen emulsions and the environment

The emulsions have a liquid-like quality and they contain few to no harmful substances, which makes the emulsions more environmentally friendly. Bitumen emulsions are still categorized as water-contaminating class 1 (D), which is due to the fact that they can temporarily mix with water. The mandatory classification tests prescribe exposing fish to the emulsions in a diluted concentration to verify the environmental toxins, for example. Because their gills become clogged, the fish die as a result of suffocation, and not poisoning. The fish would suffer a similar fate if they were exposed to milk, which would mean that it would likewise need to be classified as a hazard to waters. However, milk falls under the protection of the German Foodstuffs Act and is not subject to such classifications.
Source: “Bitumenemulsionen in Straßenerhalt und Straßenbau” [Bitumen Emulsions in Road Maintenance and Construction], A. Holl

Bitumen emulsions and health protection and occupational safety

Bitumen emulsions are not hazardous substances. They are not flammable, self-igniting, explosive, or toxic, and they do not have adverse health effects. Because bitumen emulsions pose little potential hazard, it is only necessary to adhere to the standard regulations governing industrial hygiene when handling them.

Nevertheless we recommend wearing protective gloves when working with bitumen emulsions due to the acidic properties of a cationic bitumen emulsion and the adhesive effect of the bitumen. Washing with a mild soap is recommended by skin contact. It may become necessary to use a hand lotion. Further, we recommend wearing protective goggles to avoid contact with the eyes.
Source: “Bitumenemulsionen in Straßenerhalt und Straßenbau” [Bitumen Emulsions in Road Maintenance and Construction], A. Holl


Eshalite DSK – Environmental impact assessment

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Guaranteed quality

The E.U. standard EN 13808 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Framework for specifying cationic bitumen emulsions lays down the requirements for the performance...


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