For repairs to smaller areas that exhibit pavement damage or for the entire surface of bicycle paths or sidewalks. It is important to choose the right type of bitumen emulsion for proper paving results.

Product information | The GREEN line

Factory descriptor:Eshalite Minimac
Classes:5/15 | 10/20 | 15/25 | 20/30 | 25/35 | 30/40
To Table of classes
Selection:We offer a table as a selector tool to help you choose the proper class based on the expected ambient temperature range.
To Selector tool
Application:For repairs to smaller areas that exhibit pavement damage or for the entire surface of bicycle paths or sidewalks. It is important to choose the right type of bitumen emulsion for proper paving results.
Properties:The Eshalite Minimac range is designed as a group of bitumen emulsions that can be applied with readily available aggregate within the specified temperature range.
To Product spec sheet

Item no.Factory descriptorDescription (TL BE-StB 15)
Bitumen emulsions for manufacturing DSK Asphalt
032915Eshalite Minimac 5/15C65BP6-DSK
032920Eshalite Minimac 10/20C65BP6-DSK
032925Eshalite Minimac 15/25C65BP6-DSK
032930Eshalite Minimac 20/30C65BP6-DSK
032935Eshalite Minimac 25/35C65BP6-DSK
032940Eshalite Minimac 30/40C65BP6-DSK

The table of classes is also available in the Download area. 

 Selector tool for choosing the right type of Eshalite Minimac.

Last revised: February 2016

The selector tool is also available in the Download area. 

Bitumenemulsionen für Straßenbau und Straßenerhaltung

Bitumenemulsion zur Herstellung von DSK

Photo gallery of spreading DSK Asphalt on smaller sections or applying DSK Asphalt using small paving machinery


For orders, call us at +49 (0)3621 8797-0

Call us from Monday to Friday after 7 a.m.

To Contact form

+49 (0)3622 40733-0