The tack coat bridging two layers of asphalt in road construction is extremely important. The bitumen emulsions used in the tack coat need to be “highly attracted” to dust in order to render it powerless, to adhere to the entire surface, and to ensure adequate long-lasting bonding.

Product information | The GREEN line

Factory descriptor:Eshafix Haftkleber | Eshafix Haftkleber L
Grade designation:C40BF5-S | C40B5-S
Factory descriptor:Eshalite MSNAR
Grade designation:C60BP4-S
Factory descriptor:Eshalite U60K-S
Grade designation:C60B4-S
To Table of classes
Application:For manufacturing the tack coat bridging two layers of asphalt in road construction. It is important to choose the right type of bitumen emulsion for proper paving results.
Properties:The bitumen emulsions we offer for the tack coat bridging two asphalt layers are prepared using a special material design to enhance their performance and breaking properties.
Specially designed for resistance to high bearing ratios in asphalt applications, the polymer-modified binder (Eshalite MSNAR) improves the elastic properties of the asphalt application, i.e., the task of the overall layering aspect, to transmit stress from loading, which lessens as it is directed downward.
To Product spec sheet

Item no.Factory descriptorDescription (TL BE-StB 15)
Bitumen emulsions for manufacturing the tack coat
132910Eshalite MSNARC60BP4-S
131910Eshafix HaftkleberC40BF5-S
131911Eshafix Haftkleber LC40B5-S
131410Eshalite U60K-SC60B4-S

The table of classes is also available in the Download area. 

Bitumenemulsionen für Straßenbau und Straßenerhaltung

For orders, call us at +49 (0)3621 8797-0

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+49 (0)3622 40733-0