The E.U. standard EN 13808 Bitumen and bituminous binders – Framework for specifying cationic bitumen emulsions lays down the requirements for the performance characteristics for classes of cationic bitumen emulsions that are suited for use in constructing and repairing streets, airfields, and other paved surfaces.
This E.U. standard applies to emulsions of bitumen, or of fluxed bitumen, or of cutback bitumen and to emulsions of polymer-modified bitumen, or of polymer-modified fluxed bitumen, or of polymer-modified cutback bitumen, which also includes latex-modified bituminous emulsions.
Source: EN 13808:2013

The “Technische Lieferbedingungen für Bitumenemulsionen” [Technical Delivery Conditions for Bitumen Emulsions], 2015 edition (abbreviated as “TL BE-StB 15”) contains the requirements for cationic bitumen emulsions in roadwork and represents the implementation of DIN EN 13808:2013 for the binders relevant for Germany.
Bitumen emulsions that are properly manufactured in another Member State of the European Union or Turkey and/or marketed there or properly manufactured in a country from the Economic Free Trade Association (EFTA) or a party to the European Economic Area (EEA) will be deemed equivalent if they permanently provide the same degree of safety as defined by TL BE-StB.
Source: TL BE-StB 15

Esha Strasse GmbH implements a quality management system for factory production control for assessment and verification of constancy of performance (WPK | System 2+) in accordance with EN 13808:2013 as the harmonized standard of Regulation (E.U.) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council from March 9, 2011 (Construction Products Regulation, or CPR). Now the company has received certification.

Before a qualified body can issue a certificate* confirming this certification, the plant must first be inspected and proof must be submitted verifying that work for the factory production control proceeds based on a set quality management plan, that initial inspections have been carried out on all products manufactured, and that random sampling and inspections are performed based on set inspection schedules. Further, a certification body (external monitoring system) will monitor the factory production control system on an ongoing basis. Our products are labeled with the CE marking and the descriptions of their performance have been amended.

Our products


Road construction

The specialists in demand for special construction methods and Tack coat emulsions: Esha bitumen emulsions fulfill the highest standards in quality available.


Road maintenance

The right blend of components to ensure smooth handling: Esha bitumen emulsions are designed to handle the requirements of preservation measures with excellent results.

+49 (0)3622 40733-0